Plan Features


Product Summary NPradhan Manthri Vaya Vandana Yojana (856) is a Government Subsidised pension scheme which shall provide an assured return of 7.4% per annum payable monthly(which is equlalent to 7.66 % per annum)for 10 years, provided the life assured survives the period.
Premium Payment Mode Single premium only.
Annuity Mode -
Optional Benefits -
Term 10 years
Premium Paying Term 1 years
Minimum Age at Entry 30 Year completed
Maximum Age at Entry No Limit
Annuity Options Deferred annuity two options (1. Single Life 2. Joint Life)
Minimum Purchase Price Rs. 1,50,000
Deferment Period -
Deferment Period -
Joint Annuity -
Maximum Cover Ceasing Age -
Maturity Age -
Sum Assured -
Maturity Benefit -
Death Benefit -
Minimum Basic Sum Assured -
Minimum age at the end of Premium Paying Term -
Maximum Maturity Age
Minimum Premium -
Maximum Premium -
Minimum Basic Sum Assured -
Sum Assured on Death -
Minimum Sum Assured Yearly -1,56,658; Hly -1,59,574, Qly - 1,61,074, Mly -1,62,162
Maximum Sum Assured Yearly -14,49,086 Hly -14,76,064, Qly - 14,89,933, Mly -15,00,000
Guaranteed Additions -
Survival Benefits -
Riders Available Nil
Accidental Death and Disability benefit (ADDB) Nil

Policy Benefits

On Death Higher of (Purchase Price +Additional death benefit) or (105% of the purchase price)
On Survival Full purchase price paid on survival of 10 Years
On detection of Early Stage Cancer -
On detection of Major Stage Cancer -
Settlement Option -
Multiple Allowed -
Surrender Value Surrender allowed in special circumstances such as Critical/Terminal Illness to self or spouse. The surrender value payable is 98% of pruchase price.
Loan Loan available after completion of three full years and the amount payable is 75% of purchase price.
Income Tax Benefit Income Tax benefits not available.
Proposal Form Form No 470